Wednesday, February 20, 2013

what's going on?

Just checking in... I'm working on a few things, more WIP's than FO's but isn't that life?!

Finished up Ursula's leg warmers.
Using Zauberball in color #2079 and with #2 DPN's I cast on 62sts using an Italian provisional cast on and worked a 1x1 rib for half an inch... should have been longer for it rolls a bit but they're finished now so no going back! Switched to #4's and knit for @13.5" before going back to the 2's and a 1x1 rib for @1.25". I bound off with a Kitchener bind off to match the top and was happy to cross these off my list, although I still have to make a second pair for big sis.

The 2nd pair has the same cast on as the 1st pair except I cast on 82sts and those extra 20sts are killing me. I have a feeling I might run out of yarn since she wants long ones so I'm starting the second one soon to see how far I get but I need a break from the #4's!

Started working on a crochet version of the Honeycomb Brioche Sweater (an S hook is a nice break from the #4 DPN's). I've wanted to add more crochet versions of my patterns and this one is the most requested. I've also had requests for a crochet version of my Openwork Kimono so look for that in the coming months as well as a couple of shawls... what was I saying about my WIP's in proportion to my FO's?

Lastly Happy Birthday to my favorite 4 year old, your style inspires me!
 (sadly I did not make this cute butterfly sweater)


  1. Happy birthday to your little one! The leg warmers turned out beautifully.

  2. Adorable. You are so creative!!! I never even heard of "Italian provisiona" though. Too bad you are now so far away. Katherine

  3. I love those super cute leg warmers! xoxo
