Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2 in 1 sock KAL update

So you have your 2 balls of yarn ready I decided to use Misti Sock yarn again since I loved the way it turned out last time and the appropriate needles too. If you want to try the Estonian Cast on watch this:

I decided to cast on 52sts instead of 56 and this is how it should look at this point. I have 2 needles each with 52sts on them.

Here's a close up of how the stitches look when cast on using the Estonian Cast On. Notice how each needle has a different color? Like I said a muti-color hand dyed or hand painted yarn is great in helping keep track of the outer and inner sock. Also notice how the stitches sit close together in 2's. This will help you tell if you cast on correctly. The slip knot and the last stitch sort of sit by themselves but the ones in between are grouped in 2's.

I'm going to stop here for now but will be back hopefully by the end of the week with the next step.


  1. OH WOW! That is so cool... and easy! I always wanted to know how to do a cast on that would have more elasticity! Karen, you're the best!!!

  2. OK I'm ready to get started. This might seem silly but how do I know how many stitches I need? Do I just do a gauge and then measure around my ankle?

  3. If you're unsure how many stitches to cast on check out this great sock calculator
    It takes your gauge + your measurements and based on those gives you a simple custom pattern. How great is that!
